ALSA Local Chapter Hear & Share (H&S) 2017/2018 has been successfully conducted on the following dates:
1. The first part of two H&S sessions was held on 23rd – 24th December 2017 with participation from 7 National Chapters, namely Brunei, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar and Laos.
2. The second part of two H&S sessions was held on 21st – 22nd January 2018 with participation from Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
Throughout all sessions, participants have interactively discussed the past and future academic activities, TED programs as well as PRM initiatives conducted within their respective Local Chapters. Besides that, they have also brought up some major issues they commonly faced as well as difficulties in conducting activities/programs. Following from that, the possible solutions to those issues have been necessarily shared among the participants as well.
The list of participating Local Chapters represented by the participants is as follows:
1. ALSA LC Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (Brunei)
2. ALSA LC Universitas Sriwijaya (Indonesia)
3. ALSA LC Dagon University (Myanmar)
4. ALSA LC National University of Laos (Laos)
5. ALSA LC University of Colombo (Sri Lanka)
6. ALSA LC National Chengchi University (Taiwan)
7. ALSA LC Hanoi Law University (Vietnam)
8. ALSA LC East West University (Bangladesh)
9. ALSA LC University of Tokyo (Japan)
10. ALSA LC Sookmyung Women’s University (Korea)
11. ALSA LC University of Macau (Macau)
12. ALSA LC Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)
13. ALSA LC National University of Singapore (Singapore)
14. ALSA LC Thammasat University (Thailand)
For more information shared among participants, access the documents via this link.