We are pleased to inform you that the Moot Alumni Association (MAA) will arrange the 12th Annual Generations in Arbitration in Hong Kong on 11 March 2018.
This one-day conference took the theme of “Lost in Arbitration? Designing the Future” for the delegates. There are numbers of inspiring and successful speakers during the conference to help the delegates venture their way into arbitration as well as a networking reception for the delegates to get to know each other.
The venue is on the Allen & Overy, Three Exchange Square in Hong Kong. We have been granted 20 slots for ALSA Delegates and the registration fee is HKD 100 (subsidy is highly likely).
And the required documents are:
1. Curriculum vitae;
Details of the event can be accessed through the website http://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/the- 12th-annual-generations-in-arbitration-conference-ticktes-32345552418. This is a very good opportunity for your respective NC and ALSA members to get an in-depth knowledge in arbitration as well as networking experience from international exposure in joining this event.
Please note that the applications will only be collected by the National Chapter, not individually.
Please submit your members’ application collectively to sec_gen@alsainternational.org by 24th February 2018.
Should you have any further query do not hesitate to contact president@alsainternational.org