Second Round application step

Greetings from ALSA International!

Are you ready to have first-hand working experience in law firms located in foreign jurisdictions? Enrich your legal skills? Broaden your relations and network?

ALSA International is excited to announce that the Second Round of our internship initiative, the Student Trainee Exchange Program (STEP) is now open for applications!

Apply to STEP now and experience the international internship yourself!

Application Period: 7th of May – 7th of June 2022
Visit our STEP Portal for more information:

If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us through the chat feature in our STEP Portal; or email us with the subject of “STEP Inquiries” to:

Amanda Vania Damayanti (she/her)
Director of Student Trainee Exchange Program

Thank you for your attention!

ALSA, Always Be One!