The ALSA International Mediation Competition (AIMC) is a means to promote, incite and disseminate the use of mediation among younger generations of professionals with a mind-set of effectively resolving disputes. ALSA believes that AIMC will allow students with different backgrounds and academic training to have the opportunity to enhance their mediation skills in an international setting.

AIMC is an educational event that seeks to encourage the effective use of mediation and the open exchange of ideas, experience, and know-how between students from different countries, cultures, generations, and backgrounds. Appreciation and respect for cultural diversity should be shown by all participants.

The focus of AIMC is to effectively combine the use of the Mediator and collaborative problem-solving skills to successfully present the Parties’ interests and progress towards resolution. ALSA wishes to empower tomorrow’s business people and legal practitioners to better meet the dispute resolution needs of an increasingly cross-cultural and global market.