ALSA Forum Singapore 2017



ALSA Singapore is pleased to invite members of all National Chapters to join us at the ALSA Forum 2017! It will take place from 31st July to 6th August, 2017.
Here are some things to note:
1. Registration deadline
Please collate and send to us the application forms (attached below) of all participating delegates by 9th June (Friday)! Each application should contain:
  • a completed registration form;
  • the completed indemnity form with signature; and
  • a copy of the delegate’s passport.
Application forms should be titled in the following format: “Delegate name (National Chapter)”. For example, “Andre Ong (Singapore)”.
2. Payment details
Please send us the total payment for all delegates by 14th June (Wednesday). When you transfer us the bank amount, please also add in the bank transfer fee on top of the registration fees from your delegates!
4. Further inquiries
We will be updating regularly on our official Facebook page (, so do check it out!
You can also send in any further inquiries to us at